quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Office 365: Aumento do tamanho das regras de email no Office 365

To increase rules quota for specific user:
Set-Mailbox user@domain.com -RulesQuota 256Kb

To increase rules quota size 256 KB For specific domain in the organization:
Get-Mailbox |where {$_.windowsemailaddress -match "domain.com"} |Set-Mailbox -RulesQuota 256Kb

To increase rules quota size 256 KB For all mailbox in the organization:
Get-Mailbox |Set-Mailbox -RulesQuota 256Kb

To verify the rules quota size for specific user, run the command below:
Get-Mailbox user@domain.com| FL RulesQuota

To verify the rules quota size for

Get-Mailbox | FL DisplayName,RulesQuota

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